members dog

About Wythall GSD Training Club.

The club has been in existence now for over 40 years and was formerly known as Hall Green and District GSD Club.

The club was formed sometime in the 1970's when GSD's known then as "Alsations" had a bit of an image or reputation problem and many "Alsations" were refused membership to other dog training clubs. A handful of like minded German Shepherd (Alsation) owners got together and decided to form thier own club and the only dog allowed to join would be the German Shepherd Dog.

The club has trained in several places over the years, some that can be remembered are TI Reynolds training fields, Solihull borough sports grounds and Highgate United FC Grounds.

When we moved from Highgate United FC in Tythe Barn Lane to Wythall Park we changed our name to reflect our new home at Wythall.

We specialise in Pet training, Socialising, Pet Obedience & Fun Agility.

Getting your dog used to training and meeting other people and dogs is important at an early age, we run the puppy and starter classes so you can join as soon as they have had their initial inoculations.

We do not run fixed week courses with set starting dates, you can join at any time.

Our training is continuous, you can carry on until you have achieved the standard you want and be able to go at your own pace.Our training methods involve the use of toys and tit-bits to encourage our dogs to want to learn, rather than having to, but we don't let them get away with blue murder and still believe in being in control.

Our lessons are broken up with lots of play for the dogs to try and keep them interested. We don't like to see them looking bored and doing flat heel-work.

Providing the temperament of the Shepherd is OK we encourage them to mix on lead. The younger dogs are allowed to run together in starter class, this improves their socialising skills and also the handlers ability to get the dogs to return when there are numerous distractions.

Our main aim is obedience training with a pet perspective, however, we have had members go on to shows, and our quarterly progress tests are geared to let you know what sort of things to expect.

We also have full scale agility equipment, and encourage the dogs to use it from an early age. The equipment drops to puppy heights to ensure no damage is done to young limbs and we have found the younger they learn to cope with the equipment, the less intimidated they are by things like bridges in the real world.